
Monday, 4 February 2013

Good Morning

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Good morning everyone..
This photo just makes me so happy, and I hope that I can get to be this enthusiastic every morning. However, and sadly though, I am a bit grumpy in the morning so it is no fun to have workers in your bathroom and kitchen for the next three weeks! Especially when you haven't had all the information you need to arrange yourself. Anyways, I just hope that no unforeseen problems will arise and they will be gone soon again.
Yeah, I am really a bowl of fruit loops this morning, ha!
God morgen allesammen..
Jeg bliver i så godt humør af dette foto; jeg ville ønske, at jeg var sådan hver morgen. Men desværre er jeg altid lidt mut om morgenen, så det er ikke særlig sjovt at skulle have håndværkere i køkken og badeværelse de næste tre uger! Specielt når man heller ikke får al den information man har brug for hvis man vil prøve at leve i rodet. Jeg håber bare, at der ikke opstår uforudsete problemer og at de hurtigt bliver færdige igen.
Så ja, jeg er bare frk. solskin her til morgen...

1 comment:

  1. I'm definitely not that bouncy in the morning - give me a gallon of coffee and I might just about acknowledge that somebody else is in the room... ;-) Hope you've had a good Monday xo


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