
Monday, 31 December 2012

***Happy New Year***

I’ll spend Sylvester alone…
Happy New Year to everyone!
May 2013 bring prosperity and happiness to all of my dear readers and visitors withour who this blog would be nothing.
Thank you so much for following, reading, commenting, and just being awesome here in 2012.
Glædeligt nytår til alle!
Jeg håber, at 2013 må bringe fremgang og lykke til alle mine dejlige læsere og følgere uden hvem denne blog ville være ingenting.
Tusind tak for at følge, læse, kommentere og bare være fantastiske her i 2012.
****the dandelion chronicles****
{image sources: 1: link, 3: link, 5: link, 2+4+6 are my scans}


  1. Haha. I like these pictures a lot. I think I've seen them around.

  2. Seriously gorgeous! <3 I hope you had an amazing new year!

    Lost in the Haze: a Fashion Photography Blog


I am so happy that you have taken the time to visit my little blog.

Thank you,
The Dandelion Chronicles