The chilly weather has already arrived here in Aarhus, and I'm tucked up in my apartment enjoying a nice cup of Brazilian coffee which my sister brought me from Samos.. So nice.. Other than that I am planning the next six months of working on my dissertation. I do want it to be good, and even though I am already a little scared I still think the subject is really interesting. Perhaps, I will share some of my findings - or most likely anxiety attacks! - with you here, but for now it is all about the big lines and getting into a good and healthy working habit.
This also means that I will try to be more strict about my time on the various blogs/sites because otherwise I will be forever known as the procrastination queen! Not good! But I do plan to update here. I would miss it too much otherwise, I think.
However, the calming and warming promises of fall with gallons of tea, good books, knitted blankets, and warming soups will only be on a lower frequence than what I always dream of in the fall. Only downfall of writing my final thesis in the dark months, but at least I wont have the warm sunshine outside mocking me while I'm stuck inside writing. At least, I hope so..
Nevertheless, one last gasp of fall dreaming is still available for me, and if I had the infinite means to do it this is how my fall would look like..
I would read all of the books on my shelves which I haven't yet read.. So many classics and must-reads! And just for fun and pleasure, not because of a professor's curriculum..
One of my favourite things about fall is all the fruits coming. Here in Denmark, we have all these old apple sorts and they are just lovely. Some for cruchy snacks, some for baking, some for stews, and so on. And is there a more gorgeous sight than a basket filled with apples?
I cannot explain how much I love this outfit!!! A more stylish fall adventurer is not to be found anywhere... That tartan cape/coat is beyond perfection.
Another od my favourite things in the fall is soups. There's just something soothing about it which I cannot explain. Also I find these bread rolls functioning as bowls rather amazing. Imagine the softness when you have finished the soup and just tuck in with the bread! Heaven!
Dutch coffee warmers (I think they are called!), perfect little treat to go with your coffee; honey, waffle, crunchy, and warm.. Yummie!
Ah well, a lovely fall it would have been.. sadly, this fall is not going to be as picturesque but I will definitely love 'geeking out' for six months. How many times do you get such an opportunity? So no bad feelings and all good kharma.
{all images from my Tumblr}
Love all these cosy images - even if I'm not quite ready for Autumn yet. I think it's great timing that you're writing your dissertation over the cold and dark months, at least you won't be distracted by blue skies and sunshine ;-) Have a lovely evening xo