
Friday, 20 April 2012

Decor Inspiration: Elegant Bedroom

I like my bedroom. It is rather big and light, and I have the morning sun through my windows to wake and cheer me up.
However, I am flirting with the idea of painting my walls (they are just plain white at the moment) but I cannot decide. The problem is that in the evening and in the Fall and Winter, it does not appear to be big and light! So I don't want to go too dark and feel claustrophobic as a result. And I have the same issue with my living room...

So that's an ongoing struggle with me and myself. Nevertheless, I really adore this look of a bedroom with the elegant touch of the mauve and greyish purple. The owner wanted it to get a hotel room feeling.
I don't know about that since I mostly travel 'low class' and spend my money on shopping and food {hotels' Afternoon Teas mostly!} instead of hotel rooms. But I like the coherence and the calming elegance of this colour scheme. I wonder whether this would be too dark for my room but since I have a white-ish bed it might actually work.

I like the small tableau with porcelain and flowers on top of the custom build radiator cover as well as the Maskros IKEA-lamp which is very popular here in Denmark. I have seen it everywhere, from offices to private homes to drycleaners to everywhere... But I like it. Naturally, since maskros means dandelion!

The painting is by Jeanette Houvenaegel.

{my scans from Bolig Magasinet March 2012}
{Photos by Thomas Dahl}

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful and feminine decor!

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    I'd love to discuss a guest post opportunity with you!


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