
Monday, 29 August 2011

1920s Vintage Illustrations & Adds

The second installment from my bunch of old women's magazines. This time it is the Roaring 20s just going on the 30s. From November 1929, it contains everything you want: passionate lovestories envoked from by-gone eras, menuettes scores, fashionably designs for the little ones and exotic reports from remote areas of the world. What is not to love?

The first two are from a short story set in the land of revolutions - Mexico!
The text reads: The young colonel bowed deep and kissed Juana's hand.
Oh, and how gorgeous is that dress with the 20s style mantilla?

 This is totally a Romeo & Juliet kind of story but with a happy ending, but here we meet the lovers in a moment of distress until he realizes how clever and cunning Juana has been all because of him!

 A little illustration to the menuette score which was set on the opposite page. Wouldn't you love such a pianoforte? I would definitely start up piano classes with this beauty.

 This one and the next is from a detective short story set on a cruise. How smart Mamie is in her green suit with a petite cloche.

 This one just cracks me up because of their very much questioning positions.. Love when people over-do things! Even in drawings..

 This is from a Persil add telling that this washing powder brand is so gentle that you can even use it for those delicate silk gowns which is all the fashionably lady wants to wear. AND WHO WOULDN'T WANT THAT CLOSET????
I am completely taken by this image, and in the magazine it is just about 3x3cm. Stunning details, even blown up like this with the scan.

I become more and more happy with my purchase of these magazines, and wish even more that brands today would use illustrators instead of editing photos. I guess, it is quite a utopian dream. Too big business, I supppose.
Well, good thing these are still to be found around and about for us to enjoy.

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Inspired by RUM Magazine may 2011

***How completely odd! I have just discovered that a post I did like two monts ago was never posted! Weird, have any of you experienced something like that? Anyways, I don't want you guys to miss it so here it is.

My my my!! the cover shot featured the living room of a Parisian (of course!) apartment and the colour scheme and the decor was so lovely and inspirational. I'm thinking about whether a three-coloured wall would work in my apartment - and I actually think it would!
This is it..
 Everything about it just speaks my name, even though I doubt the interior decorater who lives there is up for a swatch.. Its the perfect place for a Arne Jacobsen 'Swan' sofa and the beautiful floor just screams at me (I'm the daughter of a carpenter, what can I do?).
But the walls!! The black, the pink, the white AND the neon yellow stripe that you almost can't see in these photos - love love love..
And of course that set my mind fluttering around pastel hues and bold blacks. Take a look..

Sonnet Sunday: Sonnet V

So the beautiful sonnet and the picture have nothing whatsoever in common other than they are both beautiful. I just thought the opposite page seemed so bare when I had done the little vignette, and my orchid 'Betty' {yes, I name my flowers. I truly believe that's why they haven't died from me yet} was soon loosing all of her flowers so I decided to pick one before it started to go brown.

This is my last day of summer, tomorrow I start classes yet again. Not that I mind really. The weather has been so bad this summer that I actually long for seing smiling faces and gorgeous books again. I'm quite excited and thankfully I'm starting to feel completely well again after almost a whole month's of illness. I feel sick of feeling sick! But tomorrow is another day, and who knows - maybe I'll wake up feeling like running to school! {probably not - and even if I did, I never would!} However, time will tell if I feel well enough to ride my bike or have to succomb to the public transportation. Given that I still shake a little of small fevers and dehydration I'd put my money on the busses.
But we'll see..

xoxo thedandelionchronicles

Friday, 26 August 2011

Weekly Favourites week 34

Weekly Favourites week 34, 2011

I am head over heels with the Clements Riberio skirt! Such perfection of lilac and lace - pretty pretty pretty! Also, I adore the faux fox scarf {can you even use the term 'faux' to something that is knitted?} I find it utterly hilarious and a great way to be classic and geeky at the same time. Maybe I should try asking my friends who are great 'knitters' to create a pattern like this one. Or would that be too big a task? But it is such a creative idea - so props for that.

I hope you all have had a very nice summer, mine is now ending as I start classes on Monday again back at the English Institute at the University of Aarhus. I have missed the campus and the Nobel Park where English and the other language institues are. A bit fed up with art history - not the subject but the education and classes, so it will be a nice change of air. If only I had beaten my flu but alas! My immune system is probably non-existing due to this nightmare of an August. Stress and numbness have taken on a whole new meaning for me. Oh well, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, I guess. And I just have to catch up reading when I feel a bit better than at the moment.

Everything will be well. I know that. Maybe not tomorrow but at some point.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

1950s Adds & Illustrations

Aren't these just darling? I love vintage magazine illustrations and adds, so much more elaborate and eye catching by their style and elegance.
These are from a bunch of old Danish magazines from the 1950s which I found at the flee market at Ingerslevs Blwd which I also mentioned here.
I bought twelve magazines so there will be tons of great pictures to come, and I am literally laughing my behind off when I read the articles of newbies in Hollywood - amoungst them is Paul Newman and he is said to be very promising! Ha! Hilarious..

Some of the illustrations are made by the very well known Danish illustrator Kurt Ard, and I adore his style. The detailing are amazing and I wish that covers would be illustrated in stead of bad photos photoshopped to inrecognision. Call me old-fashioned but I have always thought a good photographer should be able to take a photo only using lights as their props. Yes, I do like the vintage effects and curves you can get to photos, but it is the 'make-skinny-women-look-skinnier-thing' that I dislike. If we aspire to something which physically cannot be then why not use the very talented artists and illustrators who do better images of this anyways?
Oh well, now I turned into a biggering nag - not my intention, however, I hope you get my point.
But seriously, I would be BROKE if all magazines showed this much beauty and talent..

All images are my scans.
 From a MEDOVA tea add.

 From a PERSIL washing powder add {My grandmother still uses this brand!}

 Cover illustration by Kurt Ard of 'Kate - the dangerous woman in our new novel' for the weekly magazine Familie Journalen {which my grandparents still buy every week}

 Add for Colgate beauty cremes. I love the jars..

 The illustration to a short story about a young actress who is head over heels in love with a young man but she must choose between her carreer and her love! Oh horror, what is a girl to do?

 The first illustration to the novel which also feature Kate - the dangerous woman. Some of the highlighted text says that Werner promised Magda to send for her and the baby, but he never did! Oh, dear!! I bet Kate has something to do with this...

Add for Danish underwear brand Asani. They had the most delicate adds, and I have some of their slips and they are the best! I'm always on the lookout at secondhand shops in search of these. And seriously, wouldn't you like to have something in common with this girl!?
The logo text reads Asani - the underwear in the upperclass. This is a pun on the Danish world for 'upperclass' overklasse where over also means 'over' like in English. So clever, no?

Anyways, I hope you liked my first installment of 1950s adds and illustrations. There is much more to come..

XOXO, thedandelionchronicles

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Weekly Favourites week 33

Weekly Favourites week 33

Well well well... This week's Weekly Favourites just screams out luxury in my opinion. I must say that my heart seems to be topsy-turvy whenever I see something from Vionnet or Lanvin. However, my personal favourite this week is the Jonathan Saunders dress. It looks so effortlessly classy and has amazing up-to-date details like the pink.

It is nice to be back again even though it takes quite an amount of force to focus in this way, however, I do think it is neccessary in order to get on with my life.
{Just for the record, this blog is not going to be way too personal but I'll just post these hints once in a while because.. well.. to make myself see that things are just the same and ever-changing, if that makes any sense. But don't worry about this blog turning into a diary - it is not! My interests, mood and emotions are just very closely related so in order to make sense of why I think this or that is interesting, it may seem logic to post these kind of things. At least to myself}

*** On another note, do you guys prefer the Weekly Favourites with the list of items or without? I'm still undecided, but let me know if you think it 'blurs' the over-all look or makes a better post.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Danish Children Attire

Hi guys, I'm back again.. My world still feels like spinning and twisting, and trying to throw me off but I think it is time to slowly get back into gear again. Thanks for your patience during this little break and I hope that you will stick with me in the future despite irregular posts and whatnots.
It really makes me happy to see the very much increased traffic here on my blog and it definately makes me want to continue.

In Denmark, there's a huge business working around children's clothing and accessorice, and the Danish department store Magasin du Nord has created a lovely editorial in their latest free issue Magasin by M*agasin no 14 FW.
The fall and winter is (sadly) fast approaching and we have to get the closets ready for the littluns with nice comfy and warm clothes without going down on style. Even though we too like to dress our children very stylish-ly, I don't think that we over-do it and try to make them little grown-ups. I like when girls wear clothes which can we worn for play and not looking like porcelain dolls, and when boys are allowed to dress up if they feel like it. 

{One could make a comment on the controvercy about the 10-year-old French model, however, I don't really think this post would be the issue for that. The only thing I wish to state in this respect is that I am perplexed that people don't want to let children be children and give grown women a more accurate image to aspire to than a child}

Credits: I Play House
Photograph: Katrine Rohrberg
Styling: As Øland
Styling Assistant: Karoline Saysette
Regi: Sita Simonsen
Models: Malik, Kevin, Sarafina, and Mille / 1 Kid

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Blogging Break

Sunday night at 2.37 my beloved father past away. It came as a huge chok, and I spend my days now with my mother trying to get all the things ready for the funeral on Friday. This off course means that posts from me will be set on hold for now and may come less frequent in the near future as well as less frequent comments on your blogs.  
Thank you for your patience, and kind comments in the past.

However, I doubt that this will be the end of The Dandelion Chronicles because I think this will serve as a way to either escape feelings, concentrate on my interests, or a way to stay 'in touch' with the beauty of Life that is still left - even for me.


Friday, 5 August 2011

Weekly Favourites week 31

Weekly Favourites week 31

Thank God for the Internet! And why is that? It is because I have been brought to my knees by a vicious cold, which seems to change into a pneumonia if I don't take it seriously now.. It really sucks! I had all of these great plans and now I have been forced to cancel them all. I hate being ill, and I had really hoped that this would be over now but it seems like it is just getting started.
But what to do then, when you are forced under blackets and stuffed with hot tea? Answer, the Internet.. I don't even know what I used to do before the Internet when I was ill.. Kinda scary, maybe.

Anyways, I can always dream of the pretty clothes in the stores now and look forward to fall fashion and warm cosy clothes reappear in the street view once again. I always feel slightly cruel wishing for fall due to the short summer we have here in Scandinavia. But I have always found the fall collections much more elegant and exclusive than the other seasons'.
In the fall, you can wear cute boots, long leather gloves, and hats! I'm always at the bringe of a 'heat stroke' {I have no idea what to call it..} when trying to dress up nicely in the summer. Maybe a very good thing I don't live somewhere else with way too much summer.. I love the changes of season and would definately feel like I missed out on life if I couldn't see the changes of Nature outside my windows.

Well, this is it for now, and have a lovely Friday and see you Sunday {hopefully!} 

Oh, and no, it is NOT a Birking bag but a 'B-bag' from a completely different brand! From afar it looks quite similar or is it just me?

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Tiaras - the last status symbol?

In my opinion, nothing embrace and capture a woman's beauty as much as a tiara or diadem. Nomatter what materials or designs, they always make the wearer straigten up and the spectators gasp at the beauty overload.
From way back, this has been a sign of wealth and status, and with the wear of these gems is a strict etiquette. Not everyone can wear these just because they can afford them, at least not if it is an occasion where the Royals may be..

But hands up, how many of you have dreamed of wearing a tiara? Many of you, I guess, based on the popularity of tiara style hair-dos at weddings. I have, and still do! I will admit to that any day.. And luckily, quite many hair-dos actually go well with a small tiara-like accessory. I call it a tiara-like accessory since it is still quite rare to splurge hundreds or thousands on a hair-pin.

The tiaras shown here are all from the wonderful book Tiaras Past & Present by Geoffrey Munn for V&A. A most deliteful book and a source for dreams and design for quite some years now. The ones shown are all some of my favourites from the book, and the accompaning text is from the book as well.

A small diadem of diamonds arranged as a radiant sunburst. The centre can be removed and worn as a brooch.
French, c. 1900. (Wartski, London.)

 A diamond fringe necklace/tiara mounted in gold and set in silver. It is pictured off the frame, set against a sheet of designs, dated July 1912, by E. Wollf & Co., manufacturing jewellers working in London. (Private Collection and E. Wollf & Co.)

 A tiara in the form of five stars supported on a gallery of stylized foliage. A highly succesful tiara type, these jewels invite comparison between starshine and the scintillation of the diamond. The inclusion of stars may also allude to Shakespeare's Sonnet 116, in which he describes love as 'the star to every wandering bark'. (Private Collection.)

 A wreath composed of ears of wheat in gilt metal set with yellow pastes. Ears of wheat were a popular subject for gold wreaths in Ancient Greece, and this charming example probably derives from a prototype of that period. English, c. 1830. (Private Collection. Photograph Wartski)

 The famous amethysts given by Tsar Alexander I to Lady Londonderry in 1821, which were later mounted in diamond-set clusters to form a long stomacher and a tiara. The best Russian amathysts come from Siberian mines, which were then owned by the Tsar. They are said to be the finest in the world because of the red and blue highlights seen in the deep purple body colour of the stones. The stones are here shown against the original design for the tiara by E. Wollf & Co., which is dated August 1916. (The Most Hon. The Marquess of Londonderry and E. Wollf & Co.)

 A gold tiara by Carlo Guiliano supporting a stylized wreath of banded agate laurel leaves and pearl berries; the front of the jewel takes the form of a rosette of similarly carved petals centring on a single pearl. London, c. 1860. (Private Collection)

A large Siberian amathyst mounted as a jewel with diamond-set honeysuckle motifs, c. 1810. At a later date it was made the centre of this amathyst and diamond tiara in the form of vine leaves that are a witty allusion to the purple stones. The word 'amathyst' derives from the Greek amethustos, literally meaning 'not drunken', referring to the belief that an amathyst placed in a glass of wine would allow one to drink without fear of intoxication. In the lore of the ancient lapidaries, the amathyst also stood for devotion in love. (The Most Hon. The Marquess of Tavistock. Photograph Wartski)  

 A gold tiara made to resemble the Ancient Egyptian amuletic winged globe, by Carlo and Arthur Guiliano, London, c. 1900. Set with brilliant diamonds and decorated with green enamel, the globe is represented with a star ruby. (Private Collection)

A diadem in the form of an amuletic winged globe set centrally with a citrine, by Child and Child, c. 1900. (Tadema Gallery, London) 

 Designs by Boucheron, c. 1890. The tiara shown in the top drawing is to be set with an opal and five rows of pearls suspended between diamond and pearl set supports, whilst the one below will bear eleven conch pearls supported on a gallery of brilliant diamonds. (Boucheron, Paris) 

 A platinum tiara in the form of twinned feathers tied to a diamond-set bandeau with a brilliant-cut stone of 2.5 carats. One feather is of black onyx with a diamond-set quill, the other of diamonds with an onyx quill. Most of the stones used in this highly imaginative composition have been cut especially for it. Made for stock in November 1920, it remained unsold until February 1925, when it was taken apart. (Boucheron, Paris)

A rhinstone tiara in the form of a dog's bone tied with a bow. (Vivienne Westwood)

My own personal favourite would be the second to last tiara made to look like feathers. Just beautiful, and I can just picture it set low on the forehead ala greque with a rhinestone embellished gown. Or perhaps twisted to the side if you are having a high bun hair-do. Love it..
Oh, and don't you just love the design drawings?

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Happy Birthday

Hip Hip Hurra by P.S. Krøyer {link}

Hurrah, Sunday was my birthday and it was spend with my family eating lovely food and sharing smiles and laughs.
The photo above is of a traditional Danish birthday cake, made out of Danish pastry and decorated with icing and candy. nom nom nom!
I'm still trying to grasp the idea of now being a 24-year-old, and I wondered whether I shared my birthday with anyone cool - and yeah! I do!

J.K. Rowling!

How cool is that?! perhaps the date share a little litterary talent {I want to be a writer myself so I was very exited about sharing my birthday with her} Anyways, I always find astrology hilarious and I though I'd share 'my' horoscope with you, taken from {here}

Leos born on July 31 are natural trendsetters who have the ability to sway others to their way of thinking. They are creative, friendly, and full of great ideas. These folks never play it safe but put themselves out on a limb at every occasion in order to prove the worthiness of their positions.

Leo Information
for July 31
You should embrace: Belief, goals, the strength to dream
You should avoid: Willfulness, instability, foolish choices

Friends and Lovers
July 31 natives like diverse friends because it gives them the chance to discover fresh points of view and life-choices. They are extravagantly romantic and are likely to have a tumultuous love life. They often seek out partners who are eccentric -- another indication of their interest in novel points of view.

Children and Family
July 31 people don't feel the need to conform to the traditions of their parents and siblings. They make liberal, but practical, parents. They're adamant about giving their children the freedom they feel they themselves missed yet understand that children also need a firm and guiding hand.

July 31 natives have great spiritual and inner strength, which has an effect on how they take care of their physical self. They don't see mind-body-spirit as separate entities but as a synthesis that needs to be constantly maintained for maximum health and contentment.

Career and Finances
July 31 folks are highly creative and need to express their vision through their work. These aren't people who can work all day at a job they hate or are bored with, then come home and labor over the artistic project that's their true passion. They have to put their dreams on the line, and if that means having a tenuous financial base for a while, it's a tradeoff they'll make.

Dreams and Goals
July 31 natives want to succeed, but not at the price of their deepest and most profoundly held beliefs. They don't like to make definite career plans because to do so can prevent them from taking advantage of the spontaneous choices that are bound to come along.
Do you find horoscopes amuzing too? Well, I guess the trades for the Leo sign isn't the worst things even though I'm not quite in on the spotlight note. However, I was born on a Friday night at 20.15 so I guess I can't escape my Primetime birth, ha! But from that and to thrive in the spotlight I'm not so sure. I have always though it looked so rough and not worth the hazzle. I'm definately not a reality star in the dark! Not fame and fortune for any prize..

Anyways, I'm off and out into the faboulous sunshine {the weather really came through for me at my birthday - there was the most beautiful sunset ever! But off course I didn't have my camera with me.. Typical!}

Take care..