Enjoying the sun here in Aarhus. Almost feels like summer with about 20 degrees celcius and twittering birds all around.
Went to Baresso this morning to get my breakfast. Baresso is a Danish coffee bar franchise, a bit like Starbucks I guess (never been in one) and they have just opened their fifth coffee bar in Aarhus. That's a lot because Aarhus isn't that big and to have it economically rentable with five coffee bars astonishes me.. They are not my favourite places to go but I do like the more urban and city like atmosfere that lets you sit and study or read for hours without anyone commenting on it. I always feels like I'm a nuisance or a poor customer if I sit on a small café and read. Always feel like I should always make sure that I have something on the table which shows I've 'paid' to sit there. Silly, I guess but that's what I like about Baresso due to all the to-go coffees they make. No one minds that you hang out for quite some time. In fact, many study groups go there...
They also sell coffee beans and sirups, and the staff is always very friendly and helpful if you want to try something new but feel a bit overwhelmed with all the possiblities or mixing and matching coffees and the lot.
My current favourite is the latte triplo on skimmed milk with less foam and with a little bit of vanilla sugar on top. I hate foam except on cappucinos sprinkled with chocolate.. If you go to the one down at 'Åen' (= the stream. Yeah, we are not cool enough to have a river through our town.. ;)) they'll make pretty 'pictures' in the foam. That's also the one which has been voted the best of the Baresso coffee bars in Denmark for the past couple of years.
At the moment they run a discount if you buy a triplo and a pain au chocolat. Yummy!! They also hav Morning Offers and all sorts of discounts along with a stamp card. When you have bought nine coffees you get the tenth for free - no matter how you want it. You may add sirup or have it on soya, whatever you want.
Here at the end, I'll just post a pretty picture of some pretty chocolate eggs in hommage to the holidays. Enjoy!!
I'm a coffee fan and addict and I just soaked up your words! Heaven for me! And the journal looks cute with the flowers on it :)